Green Bay Packers Give Back Community Blood Drive Nov. 7th
Event Info
Start: November 7, 2022 - 7:00amEnd: November 7, 2022 - 7:00pm
The Red Cross encourages the community to tackle the need and donate blood at the Green Bay Packers Give Back Community Blood Drive Nov. 7th from 7am, to 7pm, at Lambeau Field in the Johnsonville Tailgate Village, located in the east parking lot outside the Oneida Nation Gate.
Free parking will be available in lots 3 and 4 off Lombardi Avenue. Appointments are strongly encouraged. Walk-ins will be taken as space allows.
A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds, and are in generally good health, may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.