“He Walks Through Lightning” March 3rd @ Webb Theatre – Abbot Pennings Hall of Fine Arts


315 3rd Street, De Pere Wisconsin, 54115 - St. Norbert College, Pennings Hall of Fine Arts - Webb Theatre

St. Norbert College is celebrating 125 years and will host a showing of, “He Walks Through Lightning,” commissioned by St. Norbert Abbey.  This matinee production, by Still Point Theatre Collective, is a one-act play about St. Norbert that invites the audience to travel back 900 years for a glimpse into the life and calling of Norbert of Xanten.

After the showing, there will be a question-and-answer panel to learn more about St. Norbert from the actor who portrays Norbert as well as St. Norbert College faculty member the Rev. Matthew Dougherty, O.Praem, and Michael Holstead, director of the Center for Norbertine Studies. This event is open and free to the public, with limited seating.

Reserve Tickets HERE.