Initiative One Think Tank: What’s In Your Head: You’re A Product Of Your Self-Talk
Event Info
Start: April 8, 2022 - 7:45amEnd: April 8, 2022 - 8:30am
What’s going on inside your head?
You’re so dumb.
Here we go again.
All you’re going to do is mess things up.
It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole each passing day. Our thoughts hold significant power over our lives, but what if we told you that you can take back control of your mind.
You are enough.
And you don’t have to spend time doubting yourself. Choosing to focus on what could go wrong isn’t any easier or more difficult that wondering if that same event could go right! Moving from shame to grace may not be your default setting, but changing the narrative is possible. There are real, practical steps you can take to transition your self-talk away from self-doubt and toward self-belief.
We’ll explore these techniques and more at our next Think Tank!
This is a gift to the community – There is no charge to attend.
Friday April 8, 2022 – Join us live at our office!
7:15am – 7:45am Breakfast & Networking
7:45am – 8:30am Presentation & Discussion
This event is IN PERSON and ONLINE