COVID-19 Update: Additional Confirmed Cases in Brown County, Wisconsin

Posted on 4-01-2020

BROWN COUNTY, WI— Brown County Public Health, De Pere Health Department and Oneida Nation Health Department announced today (04-01-2020) that we have three more confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Brown County. This brings the total number of confirmed cases in Brown County to twelve.

In conjunction with Governor Evers’ “Safer at Home” Order, our health departments are urging Brown County residents to stay at home unless it is absolutely necessary, to avoid contact with other people in the community. The COVID-19 virus continues to spread in our community and the practice of social distancing is critical to prevent further spread. “Right now, it is absolutely critical to maintain social distancing and to avoid individuals that appear to have flu like symptoms when out in the public,” said Anna Destree Brown County Public Health Officer.

For residents of Brown County, effective measures for avoiding exposure to COVID-19 include:

Maintaining physical distancing of at least six feet between other people, especially with individuals you do not know or that appear to have COVID-19-like symptoms (i.e. coughing, shortness of breath, lethargy or confusion)

Avoiding all personal contact (i.e. handshaking)

Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible and use of hand sanitizer

Regularly cleaning and sanitizing high-touch surfaces

Covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands)

Following all other public health recommendations issues by DHS and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

For the latest information about COVID-19 in Brown County, please visit: