Duck & Goose Hunting on Green Bay September 1st – January 23rd
Wisconsin’s Waterfowl Season runs from September 1st, 2022 through January 23rd, 2023 (includes several seasons of several species). Consult the Wisconsin DNR Website for current information, including dates, hours, and regulations.
Hunters may lawfully pursue migratory birds while in the waters of Green Bay. This area begins at water’s edge. This area includes the waters in front of Bay Beach Park, the warehouse/marina shoreline, west shore including Ken Euers Park (City Ord 26-6), and east shore northeast of Mahon Creek.
Brown County Ordinance 31.02(3). In the residential area east of Bay Beach Park, and west of Mahon Creek, hunters must be 100 ft from the established “bulkhead line”. For a frame of reference, this is approximately 5 car lengths.
Green Bay City Ordinance 26.6. No Firearm may be discharged in the city of Green Bay. The city boundary goes to the water’s edge.
Hunters must stay in the water as the water levels change so they are not on dry land. If they have a duck blind that starts out in the water and gets brought to shore, they have a right to retrieve their blind without breaking the trespassing law.
If a bird falls on private property, they need to ask the property owner for permission before retrieving the bird. This bird does not belong to landowner. DNR should be called to retrieve bird if permission is not granted.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (call or text) 1-800-847-9367
Green Bay Police Department; Non-Emergency 920-448-3200