Green Bay Citizen’s Police Academy Begins Wednesday, August 31st
The first session of the Green Bay Citizen’s Police Academy will be held Wednesday, August 31st. The academy will then meet weekly on Wednesday, with the final session being on Wednesday, October 19th.
Each session will run from 6pm to 8pm. Most sessions will be held at the Green Bay Police Department, 307 South Adams Street, in Green Bay.
The Citizen’s Police Academy is designed to give participants a better understanding of the functions, operations and objectives of the Police Department. The goal is to build a positive relationship between the Green Bay Police Department and community members. This training is designed to be interactive and is a combination of lecture and hands-on learning.
This course is not intended to be a stepping stone for those hoping to pursue a police career; it is intended to produce informed citizens.
All instructors are sworn personnel and civilian employees who are very knowledgeable in the topic discussed. During class, participants are encouraged to ask questions, enter into discussion, and give feedback to the department. Academy participants are also encouraged to participate in the Green Bay Police Department’s Ride Along Program.
To Apply, please complete both the application and waiver. Once completed, please drop off at our front desk, email to Melanie Skalmoski, [email protected], or fax to 920-448-3256.