Help Us Honor the Ethical Leaders in Our Community!
We all know someone brave enough to stand up and make a difference in our community; and especially now during the corona pandemic, we are witnessing individuals all around us rising to meet new challenges in this time of extraordinary uncertainty with their own extraordinary acts of courage! Let’s lift up these stories!
We’ve refreshed our annual ethics event to focus on INDIVIDUALS and their STORIES OF ACTION! We will continue to honor ethical leaders in our community at our fall award luncheon, but instead of focusing on the whole of the lives of a small group of finalists, we are spotlighting individual stories of ethical leadership that happen in Brown County every day!
We’ve also changed the nomination process by asking the nominator to tell these stories. Please share the stories of these amazing individuals in our community! Let’s celebrate our unsung heroes! Let’s inspire one another through their stories!
To learn more about the Ethics in Action Awards and to nominate someone today, visit the Ethics in Action page on our website.