SNC’s Sarah Olejniczak Receives Golden Strength Award
Sarah Olejniczak, Title IX and compliance coordinator at St. Norbert College, was honored with a Golden Strength Award by Golden House in Green Bay on Thursday, Oct. 20, at the organization’s annual “Show of Strength” program.
Golden House’s mission is to provide safety and support for victims of domestic abuse while leading efforts to end domestic violence in our community.
The Golden Strength Awards highlighted seven individuals who have overcome obstacles while displaying fortitude, tenacity, courage, bravery and perseverance and, in doing so, continue to make a difference in our community each day.
Olejniczak oversees St. Norbert College’s response to sex and gender-based harassment and discrimination. She also serves as a core-team member of St. Norbert College’s Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) campus grant and is active in several of its committees.
Olejniczak, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in educational policy and leadership from Marquette University, is currently working to organize the college’s inaugural symposium on gender-based violence, which will feature local research on the topic, as well as co-leading the inaugural implementation of the SPACE (Sexual Assault Prevention and Community Equity) toolkit, with assistance from researchers at Columbia and Princeton. The toolkit provides campuses with a new approach to sexual violence prevention; grounded in a broad commitment to equity.
Olejniczak also serves on the Brown County Coordinated and Community Response Team for domestic abuse and sexual assault.