UW-Green Bay Offering Certified Financial Planner Prep Course

Posted on 2-22-2024

UW-Green Bay is now offering a Certified Financial Planner Exam preparation course that will enable eligible practicing financial planners, investment and portfolio managers, wealth management or retirement advisors, financial analysts and new graduates of a CFP® Board Registered Program to gain better retention of the necessary financial planner principles by following a tested, disciplined and experienced approach.

The course will expedite the preparation time frame in order for candidates to successfully complete the exam on the first try. At the same time, candidates will learn with a dedicated group and continue to build their practice.

Classes are held at Willie D. Davis Finance and Investment Lab at UW-Green Bay during two series:

Series 1 – June 2024-February 2025

Series 2 – November 2024-June 2025

Classes are offered for four consecutive days once every 5-7 weeks. This time frame provides students with ample time to read all the materials prior to coming to class. Classes will be held from Thursday through Saturday from 8:30am to 5:00pm, and on Sundays from 8:30am to 2:00pm to minimize time away from the office.

Topics will encompass:

Personal Financial Planning & Insurance Planning
Investment Planning
Income Tax Planning
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Capstone: Financial Plan
CFP Review

Each series delivers a systematized preparation course that trains financial advisors on how to review their clients’ entire financial picture to identify critical issues, evaluate financial exposures, and provide quality recommendations to help clients achieve their objectives.

UW-Green Bay offers a minor in financial planning, which prepares students for a successful career helping people achieve their life goals through financial planning. And, as a CFP Board Registered Program, the university provides the educational requirements needed to sit for the CFP® Certification Examination.

To learn more about the Preparation Course for the Certified Financial Planner Exam, Click HERE, or contact Chris Ledvina, Business Development Specialist, at 920-465-2164 or via email to [email protected].

UW Green Bay

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is a multi-campus comprehensive university offering exemplary undergraduate, master’s and select doctoral programs and operating with a commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and research, and service to the community. The University provides a problem focused educational experience that promotes critical thinking and student success.

The culture and vision of the University reflect a deep commitment to diversity, inclusion, social justice, civic engagement, and educational opportunity at all levels. Our core values embrace community-based partnerships, collaborative faculty scholarship and innovation.

Our commitment to a university that promotes access, career success, cross-discipline collaboration, cultural enrichment, economic development, entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability is demonstrated through a wide array of programs and certifications offered in four colleges: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Science, Engineering and Technology (including the Richard Resch School of Engineering); College of Health, Education and Social Welfare; and the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, leading to a range of degrees, including AAS, BA, BAS, BBA, BM, BS, BSN, BSW, MS, MSW, MSN, and Ed.D.​