Volunteer With the DNR to Protect & Enhance Wisconsin’s Natural Resources
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds all Wisconsinites to roll up their sleeves and volunteer this month and every month of the year.
Volunteers are essential to helping the DNR protect and enhance Wisconsin’s abundant natural resources. Lend your skills and talents for an hour, a day, a weekend, or as much time as you’re willing to give.
Work Play Earth Day
Join in throughout April at various properties across the state for family-friendly activities that help enhance public lands in our communities. These Work Play Earth Day events lead to lasting enhancements, increased awareness and continued support for Wisconsin’s state parks and wildlife areas.
Activities may include planting trees and shrubs, removing invasive plants, helping with trail and campground maintenance, picking up litter, etc. Learn More Here!
Community Science Opportunities
April also happens to be Citizen Science Month, also known as community science. We’re celebrating the dedicated volunteers in scientific research and monitoring efforts.
There are active community science projects in every county, with volunteer opportunities available for everyone, regardless of skill level, science experience or availability.
State Natural Areas Volunteer Program
Help care for some of our state’s most pristine public lands by attending a State Natural Area workday. Encourage native plants and animals to thrive by cutting brush, controlling invasive species, collecting seeds, monitoring rare species and preparing fire breaks.
Workdays take place year-round and are a great way to get some exercise, have fun and learn something new.
Join A Friends Group or Adopt A Fish Or Wildlife Area
A Friends Group is a nonprofit organization whose members volunteer their time, services and support to enhance Wisconsin’s state parks, forests, trails, wildlife areas and recreation areas.
Many friends groups co-sponsor Earth Day events at DNR properties and often provide lunches or refreshments.
Like a Friends Group, organizations and individuals can help support the more than 300 wildlife and fisheries areas in Wisconsin by joining the Adopt A Fish Or Wildlife Area program.
Participants help with habitat improvements, litter removal, surveys, financial donations and more.
Other Ways to Help
The DNR hosts a wide variety of events around the state the public can get involved in year-round. Check out service projects through the DNR’s volunteer portal or visit the DNR Events Calendar to discover even more ways to get involved.