What To Do When an Air Quality Advisory is Issued

Posted on 6-27-2023

Earlier this week, the Wisconsin DNR and Brown County issued multi-day air quality advisories due to another round of smoke from Canadian wildfires.  As these advisories are somewhat dependent on the wind patterns that may bring smoke into our area from the wildfires burning in Canada, here are some ways you can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful air quality:

People with Heart or Lung disease, Older Adults, Children and Teens

These steps are advised to reduce your exposure:

Avoid strenuous outdoor activities.
-Keep outdoor activities short.
-Consider moving physical activities indoors or rescheduling them.

Others are urged to Take These Steps:

-Choose less strenuous activities (like walking instead of running) so you don’t breathe as hard.
-Shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
-Be active outdoors when air quality is better.

The best way to avoid wildfire smoke is to stay indoors — Be sure to:

– Close windows and doors.
– Run A/C on recirculate.
– Use an indoor air purifier.

Guidance and Recommendations on the Current Local Air Quality Forecast can be found HERE.