Wisconsin DNR: Sauk Prairie Bald Eagle Watching Goes Virtual For 2021
[A bald eagle soars over Ferry Bluff. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR/Ryan Brady]
PRAIRIE DU SAC – Wisconsin’s longest-running bald eagle watching extravaganza is going virtual for 2021, with programming available throughout January and February. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Sauk Prairie area’s Bald Eagle Watching Days will be livestreamed. Bald eagle lovers will be able to see their favorite parts of this annual event from the comfort and safety of their own home during its 35th year.
“Eagle Days in 2021 will be COVID appropriate,” said Jeb Barzen, President of the Ferry Bluff Eagle Council (FBEC).
FBEC is a co-sponsor of the event with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Sauk Prairie Area Chamber of Commerce and Tripp Heritage Museum.
“Our planned virtual programming will feature the release of a rehabilitated bald eagle to the wild, a live raptor show and many more of your favorite events and presentations,” Barzen said. “We’ll provide experts to answer your questions and show eagle watchers how they can safely visit the area and see the birds themselves using our new self-guided tour.”
Programming is a mix of live-streamed and pre-recorded events beginning at 1 p.m. on Jan. 16 and 23 and February 6 and 20. The links and schedule for all programming can be found on the FBEC website, www.ferrybluffeaglecouncil.org.