You Can Help Protect Wisconsin’s Endangered Resources This Tax Season
MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages the public to give back to nature by donating to the Endangered Resources Fund on your Wisconsin income tax form.
The Endangered Resources Fund helps support important conservation efforts for rare plant and animal species in Wisconsin, many of which are also declining or absent in other parts of the country, such as the eastern prairie white-fringed orchid and rusty-patched bumble bee.
“These donations greatly support our efforts to protect and restore some of our state’s most at-risk species,” said Drew Feldkirchner, DNR Natural Heritage Conservation Bureau Director. “You can help ensure that these species survive and thrive now and for generations to come.”
The Endangered Resources Fund also helps Wisconsin care for the nation’s oldest and largest set of state natural areas that protect unique ecosystems and natural features, such as the canyons of Parfrey’s Glen, undeveloped lakes, remnant prairies, diverse wetlands and ancient forests. Nearly 75% of endangered and threatened wildlife species and 90% of endangered and threatened plant species are found on these sites.
To make a donation, look for the Endangered Resources Fund in the “donations” section on your Wisconsin income tax form. For tax year 2021, the Endangered Resources donation is found on Form 1, line 20a. For part-year/non-residents filing Form 1NPR, it is on line 53a.
Donations to the Endangered Resources Fund are tax-deductible and matched dollar for dollar.
For more information on how donations benefit endangered species, review the “How Your Donation Doubles Your Impact for Nature” brochure or read the DNR’s 2021 Field Notes.